• Autism Services

  • Counseling

  • Evaluations

  • Adult Services

  • Corporate Services

  • Training

  • Respite

  • Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS)

  • Home
  • Adult Services

In Home and Community Supports

In Home and Community Supports (via Consolidated Waiver for individuals diagnosed with an intellectual disability) and Community Supports (via Adult Autism Waiver for individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder) are services to help individuals gain, maintain, and improve independent living skills and become active members of their local community. This is a direct service that is provided one-on-one in the home and community to assist individuals to acquire, retain, and improve socialization, self-help, and adaptive skills. Service is individualized based on the needs and wants of each consumer. 

Also, volunteer opportunities are useful to gain work experience and discuss personal strengths and interests.

Services Focus on the Following: 

Socialization: interactions with family, building and maintaining friendships, volunteer work

The Community: interactions with the public, attending community events, religious services 

Household chores: cleaning, cooking, household maintenance

Finances: shopping, budget management, bill payments, banking, income tax issues

Transportation: buses, taxis, local vans, driver’s license permits

Hygiene: grooming, brushing teeth, personal hygiene

Health maintenance: nutrition, exercise, medical appointments, managing medications

Safety: fire and traffic safety, Internet, emergency contacts

Supported Employment (Job Coaching)

Supported employment (also known as job coaching) is designed to assist individuals with disabilities find and maintain competitive employment. Employment options are customer driven determined by the strengths and interests of each individual applicant. Services are designed to help promote job satisfaction and retention.

An employment specialist seeks competitively paid job opportunities in the community that compliment the strengths and interests of the customer.

If a job applicant is unsure of their own individual strengths and job interests, a community-based assessment can be recommended through the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). A community-based assessment allows the customer to attempt a variety of jobs within several job sites in the community. This assessment gives the customer exposure to different employment options that help with career decisions.


Once employed, a job coach is assigned to each individual to help facilitate learning, performing, and adjusting to the work environment. The job coach helps create specific work site accommodations and supports necessary for successful employment. Natural supports are established within the work environment to encourage independence.


If eligible, these services are typically free of charge to the customer. For eligible individuals, funding sources include the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, The Office of Mental Health and Disabilities Services, and the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (Adult Autism Waiver Services).


Companion Services (via Consolidated Waiver for individuals diagnosed with an intellectual disability) are provided to individuals living in private homes for the limited purposes of providing supervision and minimal assistance that is focused solely on the health and safety of the recipient

Behavioral Support Services (BSS)

Behavior Support Services (via Consolidated Waiver for individuals diagnosed with an intellectual disability) and Behavior Specialist Services (via Adult Autism Waiver for individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder) are performed by an individual with a Master's degree in Human Services or a closely related field. Services include collection and evaluation of behavior data, functional assessments, treatment plan writing, training for consumers or staff or families, implementation and monitoring of treatment plan strategies and activities, and collaboration of team members. These services are typically used in collaboration with In Home and Community Supports or Community Supports.

Systematic Skill Building

Systematic Skill Building (via the Adult Autism Waiver) is designed to address the need to support participants in acquiring skills that promote their independence and their participation in their community.