• Autism Services

  • Counseling

  • Evaluations

  • Adult Services

  • Corporate Services

  • Training

  • Respite

  • Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS)

Intellectual Disabilities


Home and Community Habilitation is a service to help individuals gain, maintain, and improve independent living skills that allow them to participate in their local community.

This is a direct service that is provided one on one in the home and community to assist individuals to acquire, retain, and improve self-help, socialization and adaptive skills.

Examples include supporting an individual to participate in a church activity or community group, helping an individual visit withh family or friends in the community, learning to cook safely, managing finances, improve grooming, enhancing social skills or learning to use public transportation independently.




Behavior Support is performed by an individual with a Master's degree in Human Services or a closely related field. Services include collection and evaluation of behavior data, functional assessments, treatment plan writing and monitoring, training for participants or staff or families, implementation of treatment plan strategies and activities, and collaboration of team members. These services are typically used in collaboration with Home and Community Habilitation services.


Intellectual evaluations are available for all ages. Common assessments include:


  • Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV)
  • Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)
  • Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale